Avarampoo is a familiar name in South India. The flowers of this legume tree are bright yellow in colour. These trees generally grow along the sea coast. It is made from Cassia Auriculata – a gentle yellow flower that has been used in traditional Indian medicine for over a thousand years. The roots, leaves and flower buds have salutary properties with a wide range of benefits, from treatment of gastrointestinal issues to urinary tract problems.
Each part of the avaram plant has some medicinal qualities, and the flowers and flower buds, when dried, can be used to make tea. We recommend trying VEYR Avarampoo Tea which brings you the convenience of infusion in dip bags.
Benefits of drinking Avarampoo Tea
VEYR Avarampoo Tea carries a range of health benefits since the ingredients include Senna auriculata, Grated Dry Ginger, Lemon Juice, Cardamom and stevia.
Drinking Avarampoo tea regularly helps regulate blood sugar levels. It boosts insulin production in the body naturally.
Whether you’re newly diagnosed or looking for new ways to manage your diabetes, take time to assess your condition. When the body cannot manage blood sugar levels, it can affect the immune, nervous, and circulatory systems. Therefore, a comprehensive approach is needed to manage diabetes. A lot of people turn to naturopathy to help manage their diabetes.
If you would like advice on how to use VEYR Avarampoo tea for control of diabetes, please feel free to get in touch with our naturopathy Doctors at ask-a-naturopathy doctor

Anti-oxidants protect the body against free radical damage.Adequate anti oxidant intake from plant food is essential for a healthy diet. Avarampoo is renowned for being a good source of anti oxidants. Consume herbal avarampoo tea regularly to get the most of its benefits.
3. A Naturopathic way to treat high CholesterolA high cholesterol level causes no symptoms, but it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol levels can be naturally lowered with some lifestyle changes and adhering to a healthy soluble fibre diet. It has been proven avarampoo flower extract is equally effective at lowering high cholesterol as prescription drugs, but without any of the side effects!
4. Avarampoo for Hair Growth and skin careIn hair oil preparations, Avarampoo flowers are usually added along with other herbs such as amla and fenugreek that promote hair growth. The anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties of avarampoo helps treat diseases of the scalp. It also prevents premature greying of hair.
The antioxidant properties fight free radicals and provide a bonus benefit. Herbal avarampoo tea results in glowing skin. It also helps in prevention of appearance of wrinkles.
5. Fever Reducing PropertiesAlong with fever reducing properties, herbal Avarampoo tea has analgesic properties that helps in reducing body pain.
Buy Avarampoo Tea Online
VEYR Avarampoo tea is all-natural and free from artificial sweeteners, flavours, colours and preservatives. The herbal infusion of Avarampoo tea can be a great substitute for caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea.