Due to its increasing popularity, it’s no wonder that turmeric has now become a staple addition to your everyday diet. Turmeric powder is also called as haldi or manjal podi. Beyond its use as a common flavoring and coloring ingredient to give that golden yellow hue to our Indian curries, the curcumin present in it also has shown promising results in protecting against cancer, heart diseases, treating inflammation and many other health conditions. The pleasant flavor, availability and the cost friendliness of the organic turmeric powder makes it an easy spice for us to use it and attain its amazing health benefits.
Are you wondering how to use this superfood in your everyday diet?
Here we have 6 ways for you to boost turmeric intake in your daily diet:
1. The golden milk
The golden milk is generally the turmeric mixed with other spices like pepper heated with milk in the stove. This is the traditional way of making the golden milk and is very easy for you to make at home. You can opt for a dairy free milk if you are concerned about it. Take a small glass of the turmeric milk every night for a good sleep and to bask in its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. You can cheat and add water from a tea kettle to your spices and finish with a little coconut milk.
2. Turmeric smoothies
You can add a little as quarter spoon of organic turmeric powder to your smoothies. Add all the ingredients that you would wish to have in your smoothie, add quarter spoon of VEYR turmeric powder and blend it all. Take it as your post workout drink for that instant energy boost.
3. Add it to eggs
Add a pinch of the organic turmeric powder to your scrambled eggs or boiled eggs. This is an easy way to increase your intake without overwhelming your taste buds!

4. Season your salads and your vegetables
Make your salads more powerful by adding a dash of turmeric powder to it. Sprinkle a generous amount of organic haldi to your veggies before or after cooking to make it tasty and healthy. Also add a little black pepper to increase the absorption of curcumin by the body.
5. Spice up your meat
Whatever meat you choose, be it chicken, mutton or fish add organic turmeric powder along with other spices while marinating and cooking.
6. In your curries
As always go classic with your curry. The key ingredient to all the yellow curries is always turmeric. Add it to all your curries, dhal and serve it with hot rice.